Private Markets Wealth Management

Planning for the Complexity of General Partner Economics

Private Market Principals

By leveraging our deep experience in the Private Markets, we deliver personalized financial services and modeling capabilities for Private Markets leaders and General Partners. Having advised a multitude of GPs through balance sheet transactions, known as GP stakes sales, Crest is positioned to help optimize a GP’s financial strategy across the personal balance sheet and integrate each strategic consideration — tax, estate, and investment portfolio — within the practice’s family office operational services.

Differentiated General Partner and Principal Services

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Liquidity, Personal Balance Sheet and GP Cash Flow Strategy

Liquidity, tax, and estate strategy for GP’s personal balance sheet optimization

Carried Interest & GP Ownership Planning

Planning Carry and GP interests as a generational wealth asset

Capital call, distribution, and liquidity management

Air Traffic Control

Optimizing our GP’s Financial Relationships, GP Interests, and Operations

Looking to plan for future GP Investment returns, Carry, and Fee-Related Earnings — or a GP Stakes sale?

Crest Capital’s GP EquityInsight Model is the first step in optimizing the wealth you create.


crest capital private markets equity insights model

See How We Can Help Optimize a GP’s Wealth


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Securities offered through Hightower Securities, LLC, Member FINRA/SIPC, Hightower Advisors, LLC is a SEC registered investment adviser.

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